Bristol Post cutting about the Victoria Street office squat
"When homelessness erupted once more as a public issue in Bristol, in 1974, the cause was quite the opposite. It was overproduction - the builders had the capacity to produce as many homes as were needed, but that was more than could be sold for a competitive profit.
In 1974, council house building was grining to a halt as interest rates soared. The council's waiting list grew to 7,000.
On May 31 1974, a new generation of "invaders" went into battle. At dusk they gained entry to an empty office block in Victoria Street. Food was stockpiled and the building barricaded.
By the next morning demands were issued to the city council and support received from the vice-president of Bristol Trades Council, Brian Underwood.
Under the name of the Bristol Joint Housing Action Group, the squatters called for an end to planning permission for office blocks, more council houses at affordable rents, cost-price compulsory purchase of the city's 4,000..."